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How Kundalini Yoga changed Monique Reymond’s life.
Learn more about Monique’s foundation:
Do you want to know what meditation Monique did to help her stop drinking? It was the Addiction Meditation. She did it for over 9 months everyday. If you want to learn more about the meditation go to:

How Kundalini Yoga changed Danielle Walch’s life.
Danielle Walch was diagnosed with clinical depression and put on meds at a young age. She talks about how Kundalini Yoga has helped her get off all the medication the doctors prescribed, and how her yoga practice has lifted the depression.

How Kundalini Yoga changed Renee Johnston’s life.

How Kundalini Yoga changed Paulo Zanetti’s life.

Jai-Jagdeesh talks about Kundalini Yoga and how it has impacted her life.

I met Jai-Jagdeesh when I sat next to her during White Tantric at Summer Solstice 2016. I even met both of her parents. They sat on the other side of me. I had no idea who she was. I knew she was a singer, but I didn’t realize that she is one of my favorite Kundalini singers. Her version of Hallelujah in her album, “Heaven & Earth” is sooooo beautiful. Turn the volume up, close your eyes and see where it will take you. Her voice is angelic and her voice and music move me deeply. I have other favorites too. I am Thine, Ong Namo Guru Dayvaa, Aap Sahaaee Hoaa from her “I Am Thine” album, just to name a few. I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to express my adoration to her. Jai, if you read this… I love your music, your voice, and I appreciate your talent. Your fantastic. Oh yeah, and your parents are sooooo cool too. Big hugs
Check out her music. I think you will love it too. She is very talented.
Addiction Meditation Testimonial with Maria & Jay

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